Free Argumentative Essays: Dismantling The Pro Choice

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Dismantling the Pro Choice Argument Abortion has been a popular and controversial topic since the passing of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court on January 22, 1973. The passing of this bill has lead to a division among the people; one side Pro Life and the opposing side Pro Choice. The Pro Life side advocates a persons right to life for all including the unborn. Whereas, the Pro Choice side advocates the idea of a woman’s choice to abort their unborn. However, many of the arguments they use are not fully accurate, but instead, riddled with isolated statistics and unreliable scientific studies that they use as evidence for their side. In this paper, a light will be shown on the faulty arguments used by the Pro Choice side to support their beliefs. One of the most common arguments used by those on the Pro Choice side is posed through the question, “When does life begin?” They use this question as a loophole because they themselves know that what is aborted is not a mass of cells. Science has progressed too far for them to use that argument anymore, but instead, they try to pose the question of when life begins to justify the killing of a fetus it …show more content…

They like to use the statistic that the death rates for abortions are under 0.01%. Whereas, the death rate from childbirth is roughly thirteen times higher. This is an example of the isolated statistics used to promote their cause. With just these numbers it would appear that childbirth is more dangerous than abortion, but that is not true. It only appears that way because they do not fully explain the factors that influence these numbers. They do not clarify that women who had previously undergone abortions have a higher likelihood of dying during childbirth, therefore, a part of these maternal deaths during childbirth are actually caused by earlier abortions, which creates an inaccuracy among their

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