Frankenstein Response Paper

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Teacher Recommendation Request Form Ms. Alemany British Literature Honors 131-2 Final Average (Estimate) : 90% What was your favorite novel and why? My favorite novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Frankenstein was my favorite novel mainly because of the Creature and his development as a being since his conception. When we are given a few chapters when he tells his story to Victor from his point of view he is characterized and we get to see into his thoughts. When the creature is watching the De Lacey family and him learning everything from them, he refers to them as his only friends and protectors, and there is many pages of buildup with the creature wanting nothing but companionship. When the creature is rejected by them, I felt genuine …show more content…

I also always make sure to do my assignments no matter how late I have to stay up which paid off in the end with the helpful bonus points on the final. My biggest struggle was usually with essays which mostly came down to just proofreading better and more times before submitting. I should have let others proofread my essays before I finished them, and also utilized extra help more often. I did use extra help for the research paper which I think paid off in the end with good criticism and insights into how to improve on the …show more content…

How did this experience change you as a student? When I began this course, I was overconfident in my writing abilities and when I submitted my first essays I did not expect to receive the grades that I did. This helped to open my eyes that my writing style was inadequate and that I need to improve in order to succeed in this class. I would improve through the use of consistent formatting and fixing missing or incorrect aspects of previous essays, such as in formatting. It would overall contribute to growing improvement over the year. What did you add to the class? I feel I added to the class discussions by answering questions and asking my own questions if I ever had any. Through the discussion boards, I think I was able to voice my opinion about a topic or propose arguments based on my research. I also think that I was able to help classmates by reading their responses and making constructive criticism if I saw anny errors in their

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