Foreshadowing Examples In Romeo And Juliet

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“Literary devices or literary techniques are specific structures that writers often use to add meaning or create more compelling stories for the reader” (Literary Devices). When literary devices are properly, they can emphasize a theme, develop character’s personality and emotions, and overall increase the reader’s understanding of the story. One literary genius who understood this concept was William Shakespeare with his play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. In it, he describes the star-crossed lovers and their struggle to find happiness. To further the reader’s understanding of his text, Shakespeare strategically incorporates literary devices such as puns, contradictions, and foreshadowing to augment his readers’ understanding of Romeo …show more content…

Foreshadowing occurs when the author hints at events that will happen in the book. Shakespeare crafts his plays with specific details that add to its entertainment and immersion; it causes the reader to look back and to pay closer attention to his story. Foreshadowing is found within the play, but is most noticeable during Juliet and Romeo’s conversation from when they are parting ways after he sneaks into her room. “O God, I have an ill-divining soul!/ Methinks I see thee, now thou art so low,/ As one dead in the bottom of a tomb” (Shakespeare 3.5 54-56). When the reader beings the play, he knows that Romeo and Juliet will die. However, the characters in the play are not aware of their deaths, but have a that feeling something bad might happen. This dramatic irony connects the reader to the play and creates a desire for him to see how the characters’ lives play out. The concept of foreshadowing also plays a major role in theme. Shakespeare’s genius with his work establishes the design of fate along with the idea that a force doomed Romeo and Juliet from the start. Both of these ideas improve the reader’s experience and keep him emotionally linked with the

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