Forensic Science Essay

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As long as people have been attempting to solve crime, forensic science has been involved in some form or another. Whether it has been through deductive reasoning or modern day science, evidence must be processed and understood in order to accurately depict what truly happened. Forensics is the use of science under a legal aspect (“Forensics”), meaning that the findings are to be presented in court upon the time of trial. More often than not these cases will involve murder and a conviction of the supposed murderer as the processed evidence is presented against them. Evidence is processed in several different types of methods and techniques, and these methods and techniques have become more and more reliant on technology in the past couple of decades. Forensic Science and its methods have moved forward though the production of biotechnologies, facial reconstruction, carbon dating, ballistic science, and emerging technologies.
In the past half century, biotechnology, the creation of technologies involved in biological sciences, has changed the way forensic science uses DNA in crime solving (“Biotechnology Used in Solving Crimes”). According to “DNA in Forensic Science”, about half of all criminal cases today involve DNA evidence and a need to process it using biotechnology or DNA technology (Vitug). Biotechnology has created several different types of DNA technology which forensic scientists can now use to process DNA evidence. One of these methods includes PCR or Polymerase Chain Reaction. This method is mainly used on small amounts of DNA in order to amplify it into a more manageable amount, something that can then be used in one of the other various types of DNA technology, namely DNA fingerprinting (Vitug). As stated in “DNA Fi...

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...logy, it seems as if evidence becomes easier to process as new information is collected and new databases arise.
Forensic science has exploited advances in technology in order to develop new and more reliable methods of crime solving. In the past half-century, biotechnology has allowed for the creation of DNA technology and bioinformatics as DNA evidence is presented more in court now than in previous years. Other forensic methods have also advanced as new information has come to light and databases have been created allowing for evidence identification to become faster, easier, and more efficient. Just as the technology we use every day is still evolving, so is the technology used in forensic science, allowing for the emergence of new methods, techniques and important information to the crime solving universe of police stations and government agencies like the FBI.

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