Football Vs Basketball Compare And Contrast

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The first basketball game played was in 1891 and the first American football game gathered an astonishing 800 fans as they watched the Independents defeat the St. Paul Ideals in 1869. Ever since then, American football and basketball have become among some of the highest liked and watched sports in the United States, bringing in millions of supporters each year. Even though both sports are completely different in general, they are similar in many ways also. Both sports are excellent sports to watch and play, but some people may prefer one over another. Throughout this essay, I will discuss similarities and differences between football and basketball, such as regulations, scoring, teams and how the game is played.
To begin, football and basketball have many differences. One being that football consists of eleven players on the field per team, which contain different positions for offense and defense. Whereas basketball only has five players on the court per team, which include a center, two forwards, and two guards for both defense and offense. The biggest difference between both sports are the legal aspects of what is allowed. For instance, you run, throw, catch and tackle in football. On the other hand, you dribble, catch, shoot, and steal in basketball. There is also a difference in the objects used to play each sport. In basketball, one makes …show more content…

One similarity is that they both need team-play. Though the number of players may differ from each sport, it’s still a cohesive unit that represents the team. The more a team works together, the more the group bonds and increases performance, which eventually leads to success in games. These sports also share the same athletic ability requirements. While not everyone who play these sports produce a career in the NBA or NFL, they still require athletic ability to play competitively. You should have the capability to throw, catch, dribble, run, etc., with the

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