Food Log Analysis

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It is extremely important to keep a food log mainly because it keeps you more aware of the foods and beverages you consume every day. A food log instantly puts the hard data in front of you so you can see the breakdown nutritional information. You can monitor your intake of the quantity of grams of protein, carbohydrates, fat and overall calories you are eating daily. Whether you are trying to lose weight, gain weight, or train for a sport, it is critical for success. I have logged my food and beverage intake and physical activity for the past five days to see how healthy I really am. According to Supertracker/MyPlate recommendations, my daily calorie limit was 3000 based on my weight and age. My target food groups included 10 ounces of …show more content…

I have random spurts when I eat a lot of food during one week and other weeks when I do not consume much each day. This week was one of those weeks I really did not feel like eating very much. Some key factors that influenced my food and beverage intake were my school and work schedule, food cravings, and time management. I was busier during the week with working extra days and my school work. I spent most of my time studying and doing homework so I did not have much extra time to make food. I ran through the drive-thru of a non-healthy fast food restaurant. One of the nights, I was lazy and ordered a pizza which was not a good healthy choice for me. I finished off the pizza in two days and instead of making a salad, vegetables, and lean meats. Another factor that influenced my food and beverage intake was time management. I did not have a lot of time to cook meals at home. I scanned the refrigerator and pantry to select the easiest and quickest meal I could prepare. For example, I heated up pizza rolls and Hungry Man meals with cookies for dessert. I do not drink pop, sugary drinks or energy drinks. I love water and occasionally I will drink a Gatorade or

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