Food Insecurity Essay

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Did you know that one in five households in the United States are considered to have food insecurity. Food insecurity is described by the USDA as meaning “consistent access to adequate food is limited by the lack of money and other resources at times during the year” (2014). This affects 31 million people in the United States, which includes 15.9 million children under the age of 18. For example, the Walls family in The Glass Castle written by Jeannette Walls leaves a great example of what it is like to be under these circumstances. Currently, with prices of food rising to an all time high, so does the number of people not able to buy the basic foods they need to live a full life. By increasing spending on food benefit programs in the United States, guarantees less people who suffer from food insecurity.
There are many different kinds of effects that come from not consuming the right amount of the nutrients everyday. Receiving the right amount is key especially for children ages zero to three years old. Some physical effects in early-aged children is the inability to fully develop in growth and their ability to fight infections is very weak. Other physical conditions found in children are chronic health issues such as, asthma and Cystic Fibrosis, also many children find themselves needing to be hospitalized. Mental effects are taken into account as well, because many children experience behavioral consequences and challenges: Children also suffer from anxiety and aggression issues. Young children are not only people affected from lack of nutrients, but adults experience both physical and mental problems too. Adults are not as affected by not getting the accurate amount of nutrients, these ages unfortunately do not get to live a...

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... the increase of funds towards this benefit. But, these programs do not give individuals and families substances for their use or money that people could potentially buy alcohol and drugs with. Also there has been a shift in what kind of people have been needing the help of these programs, as Doug O’Brien says, “now we have children and working families in soup kitchens,” (2000).
Even though there is a very small percentage of people that may take food benefit programmes for granted, millions of people will prosper from this improvement of increased funds. The government and the public should not punish the majority of people for the mistakes of the minority, by keeping funds minimal and sometimes cutting funds as well. If decision makers had food insecurity they would want the increased funds too, it’s the golden rule, treat others how you would want to be treated.

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