Folding American Flag

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Folding the United States of America flag takes many steps. The United States flag must be folded correctly due to the respect and honor our nation gives to the flag. According to How to Fold an American Flag, the first step is to hold it straight with a partner. Then fold the flag once in half lengthwise. Fold the flag again the opposite way so that the carton is showing. The fourth step is to make a triangular fold on only one side of the flag. To do that, fold the outer end inward in a triangle formation. Continue the triangular fold throughout the whole flag. The last step is to properly tuck in the leftover pieces. Lastly, make sure that no candy stripes are shown and the blue carton is outward.

There are many rules to correctly displaying the flag of the United States of America. …show more content…

Also, the flag can be flown at night but must consist lights on or near the flag. During Half-Staff at sunrise, raise the flag to peek height and then lower the flag to half. During sunset, raise the flag to peek height and then slowly bring the flag down. The American flag must be raised to Half-Staff during Memorial day until noon and then raised to the top. The flag must also be raised to Half-Staff during deaths of Presidents, principal officials, and foreign dignitaries. When displaying the American flag alone from a window, balcony, or building, the union or carton must be at staff peek. Also, when displaying the flag against a wall, the union or carton should be upmost. Lastly, when displaying an American flag over a casket, the flag must be placed at the head and the left shoulder. Displaying the American flag takes discipline and

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