Flawed Narration In 'The Cask Of Amontillado'

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Flawed Narration in Short Stories There are many different ways to be a good writer. But sometimes, the way to be a great writer is the way you wouldn’t expect. Authors often write flaws into the narration in a story to further the development of the character who is narrating. This is present in many stories, but is especially utilized in short stories. Some of these flaws include things like the narrator intentionally leaving out a detail, or the narrator’s personal bias effecting your opinion of what’s happening in the story. Overall, intentional flaws in your narration can be a great way to add more depth to your story. One great example of flawed narration is present in “The Cask of Amontillado”. An oldie but a goodie, this is …show more content…

In this story, a child begins to teach his disabled brother how to act like a normal person. However, this plan backfires when his brother eventually dies, due to the narrator pushing him too hard. The first page of this story just describes the circumstances of Doodle’s birth, and how his parents had no hope for him. However, when the narrator sees his brother smile, he exclaims "Mama, he smiled. He's all there! He's all there!” (Hurst 1). Now, when you look at this story, you have to realize that the narrator is simply a child, and his views of the world are naive and foolish for the most part. The narrator’s insane belief that his brother will one day be normal is the biggest flaw in his narration. His love for his brother creates a bias in his brain, and therefore a bias in his narration. Overall, the humanity found in any first person story is almost always technically a flaw. The narrator’s love for his brother shown through his narration almost lead us to believe that his brother was going to be okay-until we realized that his brother was doomed from the start. With that, I think it is clear that flaws in narration, while sounding bad at surface value, are actually incredible tools to make developed stories with more interesting

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