Fitness Model Case Study

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Interview With The Fitness model Eva Saenz

Age: 21
Height: 4’11”
Weight: approx. 95 lb

Eva Saenz

How Did You Start Health And Fitness?

I was a powerlifter for 3 years which is where I found my love for lifting. It is where I learned the basic requirements and foundational elements of lifting with correct form and the make-or-break impact the mind has when there is 3x your body weight on your shoulders waiting to be squatted. If you wanted to do well, there was no option but to lift with correct form and finish.

It also introduced me to the level of fight, horse power, and tenacity it takes to be a state champion and a champion over your life.

Making a transition from the powerlifting platform to the NPC (National Physique Committee) stage …show more content…

The benefits from the repetitive discipline of training, cooking, eating, posing and sleeping doesn't begin and end with posing on a stage, it transcends into your life as you begin to own and become a champion over your body.

I look forward for the years to come and to compete on the NPC National stage representing my next best self while I compete for an IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness) bikini pro card.

Regardless of what your preferred style of training may be, something that all people interested in fitness and health have in common is that training is never limited to only one specific title, it is unanimously about training for ultimate self-development and to be the best self for the people we share our lives and sport with.

Eva Saenz

Can You Tell Us About Your Workout Routine?

My standard workout routine usually starts with proper warm up and mobility work which includes foam rolling and hip mobility drills. This is followed by active mobility drills to ensure that my body is warmed up and ready for what my workout consists of that day. I try to not focus on single muscle workouts but put more emphasis on groups; a lower and upper body routine throughout the week with cardio days mixed in consisting of high intensity work or some type of sprint

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