Film Analysis: Fat Sick And Nearly Dead

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Fat Sick and Nearly Dead is a film of a man named Joe Cross and his journey on a 60 day juicing fast, where he travelled across the country, speaking to people about obesity and weight loss. Throughout the documentary Joe discusses how healthy and nutritious juicing is. He also helps others learn about how to do a proper juice fast, and demonstrates that just by taking better care of his body it can heal itself. If done correctly juicing fasts can be a healthy, and quick way to lose a large amount of weight. In the beginning of this film, Joe Cross shows just how poor his diet and health was before the fast. Because of his bad diet, he had an auto-immune disease called Chronic Urticaria, which is essentially a skin rash that is caused by a reaction to food, medicine, or other irritations. By changing his diet, Joe ends up feeling much better and also ends up with much more energy.
Every 10 days while doing his juice fast, he would go see a doctor, and get blood work done to make sure everything was on track. While traveling across country Joe interviewed numerous people and ask them about their health and eating habits. Most of them had the same answer, that even though they knew the harm of bad diets, they were not willing to change their ways and live healthier lifestyles. For the first 30 days Joe stayed
You got to see how Joe, Phil and Siong all struggled with trying not to fail. But I think my favorite thing about this film was Phil. His dedication to achieving a healthy weight and lifestyle was so inspiring. He had moments where things were against him. For instance, when he first started his juice fast it was around July 4th and the community where he was staying, had a big blowout with barbeque, burgers, and hotdogs and he almost wanted to reach over and shove food into his mouth, but he refrained. And I think that the self-control that he exhibits is a true testament to how much he wanted to

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