Federalist Vs Antifederalist Analysis

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The Federalist and Antifederalist viewpoints are what stemmed the whole mess of differences that made them so resistent to each other. The Federalist favored the establishing of the Constitution while the Anti Federalists opposed it. The differences in what these two groups wanted was mindboggler. Because of the sharp differences they had difference in the support size, who supported them, and what they exactly wanted in the Constitution. The Federalist wanted all thirteen states to be united as one, and in doing they they wanted each state to have two Senators representing them in congress for everyone to have an equal say. The Antifederalist Worried that the states would lose their individual power to have local control and this is why they strongly opposed the formation of the Senate and the Constitution. Because of the Antifederalist view on liberal state ruling, they had a dispute in fighting for states rights in the 1800s. The Bill of Rights was crucial to the Antifederalist because it gave the states some right back to govern themselves and run a little on there own laws. However, …show more content…

Large farmers, Merchants, and Artisans made up a large majority of this group. Some important Federalist were Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. The Antifederalist on the other had had only a small people group because that was as much as they could handle to hold rights. Looking at it, the group was small because the larger they became they would have more opinions, and this would only cause for internal conflict. Opposed to the Federalist that could put all conflict on the Constitution. The Antifederalist were made up on small farmers in rural areas because they probably could not get any communication out. Some important Antifederalist were Patrick Henry, George Mason, and Richard Henry

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