Fear Prompts Teens To Act Impulsively Analysis

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What is Fear? Have you ever had something ever get to you or make you you scared? That is called fear and tons an tons of people have different fears. Fear is an emotion that makes you feel afraid or something is frighten. Some fears many include spiders, clowns and even death. ‘’Fear Prompts Teens To Act Impulsively’’ by Laura Sanders, ‘’Stress for Success’’ by Alison Pearce, and ‘’And Uncomfortable Bed’’ By Guy Maupassant all explain the idea of fear. ‘’Fear Prompts Teens To Act Impulsively’’ shows fear. In this short essay it's saying that kids and teenagers can act different to threatening situations because, their brains aren't fully developed. Sanders quotes that ‘’People between the ages of 13 and 17 were more likely than at any age to push the button when shown a face with a threatening expression. This reaction was viewed as evidence of poor impulse control’’. This is saying that teenagers when they are put in a bad situation they need show their anger and show that they are bothered by a situation. “Fear Prompts Teens to Act Impulsively” shows fear just like “Stress for Success.” …show more content…

This short informative article is about stress and how it can weigh you down and how is can be harmful to teenagers or adults daily lives. Also, it gives examples how to deal with stress and , how to manage it too. In this short article Stevens quotes ‘’Stress is related to fear. Fear is the emotion we feel when we are faced with something dangerous whether real or not information from any of our 5 senses , or even our imagination can trigger fear’’. This is saying that when someone is faced with a dangerous event real or not that fear and stress can come to play and that's not good. “Stress for Success’’ shows fear and stress so does ‘’An Uncomfortable

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