Fear And Phobias: The Fear Of Fears In Life

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Fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous or is a threat and is likely to cause pain. It is believed that everyone has fears in life or at least things or places that make us uncomfortable. There are hundreds of different types of fears and phobias. Common fears include the fear of death, the rear of the unknown, the fear of survival or unpredictability. Other fears could be the fear of ghosts, cockroaches, spiders, snakes and public speaking. The fear of death is the strange or persistent fear of one’s own death or the process of his/her dying. The fear of death can also influence someone’s decisions in life and impede someone from enjoying their life because of the continuous fear of dying. Many people, for example, religious people are usually less afraid of dying because of their faith. Kahoe and Dunn stated, “People who are most firm in their faith and attend religious services weekly are the least afraid of dying.” Many people are also afraid of the “unknown”. The unknown could refer to what might happen tomorrow...

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