Fast Foods: The Harmful Effects Of Fast Food

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Fast food may be boosting our economy but it definitely not enhancing people 's health. Not only can fast food affect a person’s physical health, it can also be a damaging factor to a person’s mental health as well. Fast food is known to be high in fat, sugar, sodium and low in fiber and calcium. Fast food can have major petrifying effects on your body ranging from obesity, heart disease, high levels of stress and increase in blood sugars. What many people don’t comprehend is along with that order of large fries you will also be getting a hidden order of sodium and fatty acids, which are not beneficial to the body. According to a recent study done by
Ray Antonelli from University of North Carolina, the effects of a high-fat meal can trigger …show more content…

The industry of fast foods has not only altered eating habits of Americans, but also consumers in different parts of the world. Following the speedy and extreme growth of the fast foods industry, companies have continued to overlook quality standards and the healthy conditions of the served foods. The main corporations dealing with fast food like Wendy’s, Burger King, McDonald’s show a considerable lack of business ethics in the different steps of preparing food and overall management of the business. Using inhumane slaughter methods, advertising to children and self-regulation are some of the examples of what fast food companies do. These pitiable fast food industry business ethics portrays a major lack of customer concern. The industry ought to understand the adverse effects the food they produce exposes to the American citizens. There should be change in the business practices to ensure a healthy …show more content…

It is not easy to forbid those industries from producing more fast food or marketing their products as long as they are not breaking the laws. However, we as a consumer can choose our own choice of food. We can make a lifestyle change but not starting a diet. Having a healthy meal or snack available is a great way to decrease the amount of fast food you consume. Instead of going out to eat, you already have your healthy meal prepared and ready-to-go. Besides that, write out the advantages of eliminating fast food. Giving up fast food might not be easy. However, having a list of positive thoughts to review when a strong craving hits, can be a helpful resource to help you overcome the drive through lane. Moreover, governments could slow or even reverse the growing obesity epidemic if they introduce more regulation into the global market for fast foods such as burgers, chips and fizzy drinks. A study suggested that if governments took firmer action, they could start to prevent people from becoming overweight and obese (World Health Organization). Governments should take steps to regulate their economies or else the invisible hand of the market will continue to promote obesity worldwide with disastrous consequences for future public health and economic

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