Farah Ahmedi's Goal In 'The Other Side Of The Sky'

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A goal drives people to undertake a mission. A person can think about what they will get out of doing something. For Farah Ahmedi her goal was to reach freedom in Pakistan. For Stanley Pierce his goal was to strike it rich in the Klondike. Lastly, for Walt his goal was to strike a claim before the robbers could. All three characters had different goals but they all worked hard until they accomplished their goal.

In "The Other Side Of The Sky" Farah Ahmedi was determined to get her and her mom to safety. When Farah was younger she stepped on a landmine in Afghanistan and lost her leg. Farah saw that the only way to get to Pakistan was to bribe the guards, but Farah and her mother had no money. Farah was so determined to get to safety that she made friends with a family. That family agreed to take Farah and her mom on a smugglers path to Pakistan. Farah did have some struggles along the way. Farah wouldn’t give up no matter what. Even with her prostatic leg she kept pushing on. At last Farah and her mother reached Pakistan where were finally free. …show more content…

Pierce saw an opportunity to go to the Klondike and took it. In the text it says “Firemen, doctors, lawyers, ministers-and even the mayor of Seattle-quit their jobs and joined the rush.” This shows that everyone was eager to strike it rich. Pierce and other people started heading to the Klondike. He led the group of people to the Klondike. Pierce had a different reason than Farah for doing what he did, but he was determined to accomplish his goal and he did. Pierce was able to accomplish his goal. Pierce was able to get to the Klondike and accomplish his goal of striking it

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