Family Therapy

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The Impact of Family Therapy on Adolescents and Marijuana Use Chapter One Family therapy is a stopgap to law enforcement and the criminal justice system when adolescents are using marijuana. Adolescence that uses marijuana that have law breaking behavior problems are probable The foremost concern for adolescent marijuana users and their family is that it is a major public health issue in the United States. Researchers have stated the ethnic and racial inequalities concerning adolescent use and misuse of marijuana abuse. (Cordova, Heinze, Mistry, Hslieh, Stoddard, Salas-Wright and Zimmerman, 2016). Adolescent’s difficulties were built on observations clinically and on case studies that are relatively methodical empirical studies. (Sexton …show more content…

Research suggest that according to Liddle (2002) family therapy treatment can be defined as any session lasting one and a half times a week in a clinic or by telephone working with an adolescents and their families. Parents of the adolescent must be knowledgeable about all of their activities each day for them to be successful in the family therapy. Moreover, the “family-based treatment” will stipulate the proper step for the adolescent to merely execute the service offered (Malespin et al., 2015, p. 237). The adolescents in question are normally “unemployed, white, less than 13 years of age, living in urban areas, experienced in marijuana use and have been judged to have a comorbid condition” (Malespin et al., 2015, p. …show more content…

The adverse side effects can show that “various psychiatric, neurological, respiratory, endocrine, and gastrointestinal complications that can be caused by cannabis” another name for marijuana. Background and Need As more and more states makes marijuana legalized it will be accessible to all people. Rationale Purpose of the Project The purpose of this research project is to address how the impact of family therapy on adolescent marijuana users is so important in getting adolescences into family therapy. Theory Family Systems and General Systems Theories were discovered back in the 1950s. Ludwig von Bertalanffy an Austrian-born biologist created General Systems Theory (GST). Von Bertalanffy established GST, “which later influenced the development of family system theory (Helm, 2016, para. 2). Research Question What is the Impact of Family Therapy on Adolescent Marijuana Users?

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