Fall Of The Roman Republic Essay

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There are many events that led up to the fall of the Roman Republic. One of the main events, which started to occur around 133BC, was the breakdown of the power shared by the different branches of the government. This was caused by the individuals undermining the republic in their desire for power. One major effect of this was an increase in violence for political means. Once this type of violence occurred the old Republic ended and a dictatorship began. The republic started due to a collapsed monarchy that was created to prevent a centralization of power. A document called The Cursus Honorum, outlined the different offices of the government. This was to keep political power divided equally and not in the hands of one individual. The division and irritation of the nobility and the Senate was caused by two Brothers, Tiberius and Gaius, by introducing laws and legislation that would help create other violations …show more content…

Tiberius ran for election to the tribunate for two years. This was a contradiction to the Cursus Honorum. Once the Senate found out about Tiberius' plan they killed him. This was the first time that violence had been used for a political end. Two great leaders of Rome, Marius and Sulla, also take a part in the blame for the breakdown of the republic. Their constant disagreement led to people fighting amongst themselves and eventually to civil war. Marius came into power before Sulla and showed a tendency towards disturbing and antagonized the nobility. Marius' focused on military change like the extension of military service for the landless class. This came with consequences since it created soldiers that were not considered to be professional, but rather a part of a citizen militia. The soldiers were dependent on their commanders for payment and pensions, causing the development of armies that were loyal to individuals rather than to the

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