Factory Girls Leslie Chang Analysis

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Factory girls by Leslie Chang is a book that looks into the lives of two migrant workers in China, and the author carefully scrutinizes their journey in search for a better life. Having a sense of self-fulfillment, both of these characters desires success, and they will go above and beyond anything to reach their purpose in life---which is, transitioning into a higher class. With their independent-driven mind set, both are able to reflect upon themselves the necessity and extravagance appropriate to their knowledge. Both shows different flaws on how they handle economic exigencies, however they are able to face those with simplicity just by recognizing their dreams and ambitions. Nonetheless, both characters shows different innovation and This agency creates a complex self-realization that readers find in both of the characters, however both shows different approach that differentiate their character from one another. As a result, both characters manifest a sense of victimization, but somehow in their hope for upward mobility, negate that. The power of this purpose is retrospective to all migrant workers because that is all they have---it’s rather success or failure. With her courage and tenacity, Min has always been striving for success growing up. She started working at seventeen years old to support her family. In her situation, the necessity of supporting her family is very significant in her life. In Chinese tradition, parents do not expect anything from their sons and daughters, but the sense of respect towards the hard work that Chinese parents do for their kids---it is a must that successful men and women support their parents with their free-will. These people are grateful that their parents gave them existence---creating opportunities for searching ethical However, Chunming possesses a different approach on searching for a better life. Not only that, Chunming stresses the real meaning of “purpose” moving to the city. However, the difference with Chunming is, she does not only promote self-purpose to herself, but to other struggling Chinese workers as well. This is evident on the diaries she makes. On one of her diary, she states, “What’s important is: What kind of person do you want to become in the future? For what purpose have we traveled thousands of miles and left our homes behind to come out to work---To earn money! (68). Chunming using the word “we” suggests that she does not only speak for herself, but she encourages for Chinese workers to look for their purpose as well. For Chunming, without purpose means there is no point in moving to the city. This complicates her economic exigencies because say readers assume that she is feeling as though she lost her purpose---she can also go back to her diary for self-motivation which can lead to success. Therefore, her diary is a symbol for her bold imagination or even great ambitions. However, Chunming’s diary is not the only thing that defines her bold imagination. Trying to make her quality of life better, Chunming chose a different path to make money. Due to her impressive imagination, she started working for a company that requires selling hangers and molding parts. It is almost like

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