Factors that Affect Osmosis in Potato Cylinders

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Factors that Affect Osmosis in Potato Cylinders

The aim of this experiment is to investigate the volume of sucrose

solution and the weight and volume of other variables which affect

osmosis in potato cylinders. In this experiment I will weigh and blot

rings of potato and test them in different concentrations of sucrose

solution. I hope to find sufficient results as to investigate this.

In this experiment I will be investigating, and putting to test, the

theory of osmosis.

The scientific theory of osmosis is the diffusion of water through a

selectively permeable membrane into a more concentrated solution of

sucrose. Because the more concentrated solution contains a lower

concentration of water molecules, the water flows by diffusion to

dilute it until concentrations of solvent are equal on both sides of

the membrane. In simple terms, it may also be thought of as the

passage of water molecules from a low solution to a high one, across a

selectively permeable membrane. (This is shown in the diagram below).

Sugar solution Distilled water



water molecule







Selectively permeable membrane

Another experiment, published by the author B.S Becket in “Biology-a

modern introduction”, gives a clear...

... middle of paper ...

...ffect the osmosis in the

potato ring. This confirms my prediction earlier that it is the

concentration of the sucrose solution not the size or weight of the

potato ring that affects osmosis.

Overall my results seemed accurate enough. They backed up and

developed my understanding of osmosis, and seemed to fit in with my

theory and scientific knowledge. I could of perhaps taken more time

over the cutting of the potato cylinders into rings, and measured my

sucrose solution as accurately as I could manage. Although I do not

think this would have affected my experiment directly, I t would have

made my results clearer and easier to interpret. Of course I could

have repeated my experiment for more accurate results, but this was

just not possible . I believe I have successfully investigated all the

factors I intended to.

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