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The Great Depression was one of the greatest challenges that the United States faced during the twentieth century. It sidelined not only the economy of America, but also that of the entire world. The Depression was unlike anything that had been seen before. It was more prolonged and influential than any economic downturn in the history of the United States. The Depression struck fear in the government and the American people because it was so different. Calvin Coolidge even said, "In other periods of depression, it has always been possible to see some things which were solid and upon which you could base hope, but as I look about, I now see nothing to give ground to hope—nothing of man." People were scared and did not know what to do to address the looming economic crash. As a result of the Depression’s seriousness and severity, it took unconventional methods to fix the economy and get it going again. Franklin D. Roosevelt and his administration had to think outside the box to fix the economy. The administration changed the role of the government in the lives of the people, the economy, and the world. As a result of the abnormal nature of the Depression, the FDR administration had to experiment with different programs and approaches to the issue, as stated by William Lloyd Garrison when he describes the new deal as both assisting and slowing the recovery. Some of the programs, such as the FDIC and works programs, were successful; however, others like the NIRA did little to address the economic issue. Additionally, the FDR administration also created a role for the federal government in the everyday lives of the American people by providing jobs through the works program and establishing the precedent of Social Security...

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... depicted by the Evening Star.
The FDR administration responded well to the challenge of the Great Depression. The Depression was on a scale that had never been seen before, and required an unorthodox response. The administration responded with the New Deal, which had some very successful programs, such as the works programs, and other programs which failed miserably, such as the AAA. The New Deal also made the federal government much more involved with the lives of individual Americans, rather than people as a whole, which it had been. This is mostly the result of the works programs and social security where the government pays attention to the economic needs of specific workers and elderly people. As a result, the precedent of the welfare state was set and has remained to modern day.

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