Extreme Parenting the Flaws and the Outcomes

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Today there are many ways to run your household; all families have different techniques of parenting. Some parents are very gentle with their children and others not so much some parents think they need to give their children no freedom if they want to be successful in life and get everything they want in life. But in my opinion everyone should have their freedom to do anything they would like unless it doesn’t bring any good. But then you have to look at it in the parent’s perspective, if they control their lives they believe their children wouldn’t do anything bad or dangerous. Some children may listen to their parents because it’s the right thing to do but others might want to do that specific thing just because they were told not to in the first place. Not everyone is the same but some people are like that, children need their freedom but not too much because sometimes they can get out of hand. I know of some parents that don’t allow their children to not get anything less than an A in class. Some parents may place too much pressure on children which leads them to become rebellious in the future. Could extreme parenting healthy for children or just go extremely in the opposite direction.
I know a little boy but won’t mention his name but he comes over every other day with his family and he likes to play video games and just basically likes to have fun like every other 7 year old. When he comes over he knows he can have anything he wants without asking because my house is his house even though he doesn’t live here. Every time he wants to eat something he has to ask his parents if he can have some, even though he may be hungry they sometimes don’t let him eat it, not sure for the reason. But if I were them I wouldn’t say no beca...

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...eed it. They will end up being successful if they have the best of both worlds in my opinion because they won’t get tired because they have very strict parents or have parents let them do anything they want. One day those parents that let their children do anything they want regret they ever did.
Basically be on top of everything your children do during their lives but also don’t ruin their fun when they are having it. Help them understand why they are being pushed so hard to accomplish certain things. The day they know the day they will be doing the things they need to do without even being asked just knowing it needs to be done. Being too strict can lead your children to not care later on in the future, for some but for others they may just give up on school or just stop listening to their parents because they feel they are too pushy and are just tired of it all.

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