Explain the new features of the New Deal

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The New Features of the New Deal

There were many features to do the new deal. Roosevelt had promised

action and in the first hundred days of his administration, he kept up

a very hectic pace of activity. During the time of his election the

economic crisis deepened and bank failures increased. FDR's first task

was therefore to restore confidence in the banking system. The most

important acts of congress passed in the hundred days were those which

tried to bring relief for the unemployed and recovery from the

depression in both industry and agriculture. Alphabet agencies were

set up to put the new acts into practice. The federal government at

this point had now played a greater role in American life than ever


When FDR came into power America's economy was on the brink of

collapse. Unemployment stood at 13 million and banks were closed in 38

states. FDR's first New Deal victory came about by saving the nation's

banks; he issued a decree closing the nation's bank and called

congress back into session. The government would aid the banks in the

best way they could, strong banks would reopen the next day and weaker

banks closed with weaker ones helped by government loans. By the end

of 13th March customers had deposited more cash than they had

withdrawn and the crisis was over. Gradually other banks opened and

failures ceased.

The Alphabet agencies were set up to back up Roosevelt's idea of

Relief, Recover and Reform. There were many different alphabet

agencies to play a different part in fighting the depression. These

alphabet agencies provided money, jobs, pension schemes and trade

unions; these agencies helped the indu...

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... said he wanted "equal rights" for blacks as he would have lost many

votes from white people. However FDR may have actually wanted this as

he supported the anti-lynching Bill so the new deal helped this with

the black people actually being appointed to posts in the new deal

agencies. The new deal got the chance for women to promote "women's

rights". Women made up nearly 25% of the workforce and many suffered

from the effects of the depression. Eleanor Roosevelt and others

helped set up public works programmes for women and in the 1930s the

first women to become a member of the presidents cabinet was Frances

Perkins, and women could be appointed to being administrators in the

alphabet agencies.

The new deal did help America out of the depression however it did

produce more problems to American life that was needed.

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