Explain Why Football Athletes Should Not Specialize In Sports Essay

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What will happen if every kid played only one sport? You might think ‘they would get good at the sport’ but that is not the case. About 71% of Football athletes play multiple sports and these athletes are all very successful and can incorporate skills needed for that athlete to be triumphant. Also specializing in a sport can put a lot of pressure on a young child and can cause them to be stressed out which might cause them to quit the sport altogether. The athlete also may not be liking that sport anymore due to the fact that it is not for fun it is now a large part of the athlete's life.
Athletes should not specialize in sports because playing multiple sports can make them more successful in the athlete's main sport. A staggering 63% of NFL athletes did track in high school and this speed can help the athlete in the sport as football is at essence running, throwing, and catching. Also, many other sports such as swimming can also be helped by the non-specialization of athletes. For example Michael Phelps, one of the most renowned swimmers in the world can give …show more content…

The athlete might just play the one sport competitively and made their way of fun into a way of life, which can cause the athlete to quit the sport, with devastating results. The athlete might stop playing altogether and lose a large part of their life. For example, Quarterback Nick Foles was great in his 2013 season. and was one of two quarterbacks ever to have 2 interceptions and 2500+ yards in a season. But next year he did not do so well and he was specializing in his sport, he also didn’t do so great in the 2015 season and almost quit the sport after these substandard seasons. Then he started hiking and stopped specializing, and when coming back won the Superbowl. If an athlete specializes they might lose a large part of who they are and might not be able to cope with

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