Examples Of Social Class In The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald the most defining thing is the social classes, the success of a person. Also in the Great Gatsby, what social class you are in defines you if you have more money than you was considered higher or more superior than others. shows the rise and fall of the American dream through one person, Jay Gatsby. People may not see it in the book like symbolism and the connections between the characters but the American dream should stand out the most because all the symbols lead back to the American dream. F. Scott Fitzgerald defined the American dream in many ways. The Great Gatsby shows the rise and fall of the American dream through Jay Gatsby who is the reason for everything that happens in the book and how …show more content…

The man looked like everything was going good for him in life, but people never can see what you are thinking, but “(Fitzgerald F. Scott) usually found himself among strangers because Social Classes are used to separate the people amongst each other, It was a way for them to separate them based on wealth, economical standings and social status. There is no set way to divide people however they are separating them by three main classes upper, middle, and lower class.The comparison of Gatsby house and Tom's house is another example of old money vs new money , meaning you should not be split up into social classes but the world has inherited that to be the normal like this example ‘’ Old Money is fully as moronic as new money but it has inherited an appearance of cultivation’’ (Crevo. A Nathan).Another way the american dream is shown for example is ‘’he drifts here and there trying to forget the sad things that happened to him” (Fitzgerald F. Scott 67). This shows even in all the success he had seemed not find himself happy with who he was. For Gatsby “ the American dream transformed into the material aspects” (Rise of the American Dream). Which caused Gatsby not to be happy with himself and his …show more content…

Usually people will have something missing, which makes us human like Gatsby’s love for Daisy. Gatsby loved Daisy, but he left “ and was poor and Daisy was tired of waiting for “ (Fitzgerald F. Scott 130). After he came back from the Great War Gatsby had gotten rich from bootlegging and cheating and through all that “Gatsby’s goal was to win back his love Daisy Fay” (Hoover. Bob). When Gatsby sees Daisy he sees something he has always wanted, her. And now that he has all this money he pursues to complete his American dream and he will complete that “... when he gets Daisy Fay back because she is part of the reason he is what he is.With the way everything was falling into place for Gatsby readers and people in the book would think he was living his American dream, but the time that everything changed was when Daisy ran over Myrtle and Gatsby took the fall for it. Also after all this happened “ Daisy vanished into her rich house, into her rich, full life leaving Gatsby nothing” (Fitzgerald F. Scott 149). She did tell Gatsby that she would call him while she was away which had him waiting and never happened because “... Gatsby’s life was short lived” (Hoover. Bob). Due to Wilson shooting Gatsby in his pool for his wife’s death Myrtle, ...Gatsby’s unhappy end also put him as a dreamer” (Rise of the American Dream). Gatsby was close to living his dream by getting Daisy Fay but her leaving and him not

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