Examples Of Personal Narrative Essay

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Personal Narrative I had to go back to my country and come back to campus really feel the change I went through during the first year in college. I had to observe and interact with the first years to perceive the similarities between them and my old self, to see how I have changed and the extent to which humans are all alike. We might face the same struggles, but the ways we deal with them vary from person to person. I will try to tell my version of growing up in Lafayette. My first weeks in Lafayette passed like a series of dreams: images were not clear, experiences were blended, the instinct rather than intent and understanding was the major moving force for me. Lack of control over the unknown world together with the intimidating feeling of being lost caused my initial inability to perceive a new world as real; As if unconscious, rather than the conscious was going through the whole experience. But the …show more content…

By leading carefree conversations, by being energetic and positive all the time I believed I was only meeting the expectations of a new society while my another, thoughtful, pensive, sometimes melancholic and sensitive self was hiding somewhere behind. In the very beginning of the semester, I would lie down on the Quad, look at the humongous moon and the sky full of stars and reflect on life. In the middle of the semester, I looked at the sky with the same intention to think and analyze, but I was deeply disappointed to discover that my reflections had become as superficial and shallow as my daily life, I was not able to find thoughtful Elene, the one I was hiding so carefully. I encountered what a philosopher Martha Nussbaum defines as an “ultimate irony of the divided life”: live behind a wall long enough, and the true self you tried to hide from the world disappears from your own view! The wall itself and the world outside it become all that you

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