Examples Of Perseverance In A Long Walk To Water

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A Long Walk to Water, is a realistic fiction book about perseverance, written by Linda Sue Park. The main characters are Nya and Salva. Both characters try to survive, while Nya is collecting water, and Salva has to walk to safety because his village has been attacked. Nya is Nuer (a tribe) and Salva is Dinka (another tribe). The Dinka and the Nuer have been enemies for hundreds of years. Both characters exemplify the theme of perseverance as they stay calm and determined. Nya is a young girl who lives in Sudan, and is not able to go to school because she has to collect water. She does this to help her family survive because there’s no clean water near her village. On page 27, it said, “Nya would crouch by the hole, waiting and waiting for …show more content…

He was determined to find his family, no matter how hard it was. One piece of evidence to prove this is on page 52, it said, “ The sun was relentless and eternal: There was neither wisp of cloud nor whiff of breeze for relief. Each minute walking in the arid heat felt like an hour. Even breathing became and effort…” This confirms that even though the weather is blazing and super hot, Salva kept walking. This supports the theme because he had perseverance to keep pushing himself, and Uncle supported him too. Also, on page 80, the text mentioned, “ They were traveling through a part of Sudan still plagued by war. The fighting and bombing was worse during the day, so Salva decided that the group should hide when the sun shone and do their walking at night.” This demonstrates that Salva still tries to find a way to guide the group to safety. He is determined to keep the pack moving. Finally, on page 110 it remarked, “ A step at a time. One problem at a time-just figure out this one problem. Day by day, solving one problem at a time, Salva moved toward his goal.” This explains how Salva works to solve problems and achieves his goals. This supports the theme because Salva has perseverance to help his people. This is how Salva has perseverance and goes on a long journey to find his

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