Examples Of Jem's Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Jem’s Courage in To Kill a Mockingbird In the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the character of Jem Finch has proved himself to be very courageous. Jem’s courageousness has been obvious since the beginning of the novel. This is especially evident on page 16, when Jem completes his Dill’s dare to touch the Radley house. “Jem threw open the gate and sped to the side of the house, slapped it with his palm and ran back past us, not waiting to see if his foray was successful.” This tells the reader right from the get-go that Jem is brave, and pushes himself out of his comfort zone. Scout also says on page 14, “In all his life, Jem had never declined a dare.” This tells the reader that Jem has had this courage in him for as long as Scout can remember. Jem has made his courage evident to the reader from very early on, but the reader will still come to …show more content…

For example, Jem Finch is courageous because he accepts punishment for his actions. When Jem comes home after cutting Mrs. Dubose’s camellias, he was said to have: “…sat by the windows, hunched down in a rocking chair, scowling, waiting.” (p.119) Jem knew that when Atticus comes home, he is going to be in trouble. Instead of being panicked, or attempting to cover up his crime or creating an alibi, Jem sits at home, and waits for what is to come. When he is asked is he is responsible for that mess, he replies with: “Yes sir.” (p.119) Without denying his crime, and accepting Atticus’ punishment, Jem shows true, silent courage. This patient and accepting courage is a critical component in his character development throughout the upcoming trial. As the novel progresses, Jem also discovers that having courage means facing his fears. Jem proves himself courageous again

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