Examples Of Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Injustice paper “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy………they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” (119) In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee we see the theme of injustice woven throughout this whole book which takes place in the 1930’s. We see injustice in our world today, which is why it is easy to relate to Lee’s book. The theme of injustice is shown in the stories about Boo Radley, the case against Tom Robinson, and the attack on Jem and Scout. The first person who is treated unjustly is Boo Radley. The townspeople told rumors about him that he was a ghost who haunted the Radley Place and peeked in children’s windows. When unfortunate things happened in town, the people blamed Boo even though they never knew him. “Once the town was terrorized by a series of morbid nocturnal events: people’s chickens and household pets were found mutilated...although the culprit was Crazy Addie…people still looked at the Radley place, unwilling to discard their initial suspicion (Lee 10). Boo Radley was just a man who was afraid of the world so he shut himself up in his house but Boo looked after Jem and Scout. The townspeople never knew Boo Radley so they made of stories about him. Boo Radley is a mockingbird because he is innocent but everyone …show more content…

In the court Atticus presents evidence that shows that Tom is innocent yet the jury still says that he is guilty. “I shut my eyes. Judge Taylor was polling the jury: Guilty…….guilty…..guilty…..guilty….” (Lee 282) Even though Atticus showed that Tom was guilty the Jury still voted him guilty because he was a black man. That is a perfect example of injustice in this book. They couldn’t say that he was innocent just because he was a different race. Tom Robinson is a mocking bird because he is innocent but everyone accuses him of wrong even if they know in their hearts that he is

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