Examples Of Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Innocent Victims To Kill a Mockingbird exhibits many different cases in which characters become victims of unfair treatment. Written by Harper Lee, the book tells us many things that the characters went through. Since one bad decision leads to another, evil events all around them have either injured or destroyed them. The theme of injustice dwells throughout the lives of many “mockingbirds” in this book as demonstrated by the way Tom Robinson was wrongly charged, a poor reputation rested upon Boo Radley, and the way Jem’s arm became broken. Tom Robinson, accused of assaulting a young woman, spent his remaining life in prison. Boo Radley, a shut in, receives harsh gossip from his community. Jem and Scout, Atticus’ children, were viciously …show more content…

Behaving as a kind, helpful neighbor to Mayella and her family, the false accusations by them screamed unfortunate cruelty! Sadly, Mr. Ewell likely set up Tom Robinson. It seemed questionable that Tom just happened to help Mayella in her home at the same time Mr. Ewell encountered them. Mayella’s bruises on her face did not match up with Tom Robinson’s weak rubber-like arm. “He guided his arm to the Bible and his rubber-like hand sought contact with the black binding. As he raised his right hand, the useless one slipped off the Bible and hit the clerk’s table.” (254) The trial ended, Tom faced imprisonment and his wife and children lived alone. Evil victimized and destroyed Tom Robinson’s innocent life, and the life of his …show more content…

Scout felt chicken wire and metal all around her and fell to the ground trying to get free. “Someone rolled against me and I felt Jem. He was up like lightning and pulling me with him but… we didn’t get very far. We were nearly to the road when I felt Jem’s hand leave me, felt him jerk backwards to the ground (351).” Jem could have left Scout and ran away to safety by himself. Instead, he pulled Scout along with him, which slowed him down and might have caused the attackers to catch up with him and fight against him, causing him to break his arm. She seemed to have admired her brother even more because of his heroic action. In turn, Scout feared for her brother’s injuries. His speedy decision to help his little sister during the attack shows Jem’s innocence and unfortunate injury in this particular

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