Examples Of Impulsive Decisions In Romeo And Juliet

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Proof That Impulsive Decisions Have Negative Affects
William Shakespeare’s tragedy of two teenagers, who by chance end up falling in love with each other, making lots of impulsive decisions that also cause other characters to make equally impulsive decisions, and a problem is solved with loss. After some unfortunate events happen, and cause problems which could have been solved in many different ways than they were solved, Romeo and Juliet meet and begin to affect the lives of the people who are have no part in their relationship. The story that begins all around the feud between the Capulet and Montague families and it is all solved in the end of the play with a tragic ending resulting from the impulsive decisions that many characters make …show more content…

He has his heart set on Juliet and Paris getting married and does not let anything change his mind, and this leads to problems of all sizes in the story. Capulet wants Paris to “woo her”, referring to Juliet, and to “get her heart”, Capulet gives Paris privilege to get her with “her consent” and they will get married (Shakespeare I.ii.16-17). Paris has Lord Capulets word to marry Juliet which is an impulsive decision on Lord Capulets part, not worrying what Juliets decision is. This in the end results in a very terrible result because Juliet did not want to marry Paris and Lord Capulet would not listen to her. Lord Capulet should have understood instead of setting his heart on her marrying Paris from the beginning which could have made the situation avoidable. Lord Capulet becomes angry with Juliet because she does not want to marry Paris, resulting in another irresponsible decision which has an unfortunate ending. Capulets anger and sudden, chaotic decision leads him to take his rage out on Juliet, telling her she is a “disobedient wretch” and also telling her to “get to church thursday [or] never look [him] in the face [again]” (Shakespeare III.v.166-168). Capulet essentially forces Juliet to marry Paris, or to never look him in the face again. In doing this he is basically making the impulsive decision of pushing Juliet out of the family unless she marries Paris. Obviously displayed by Capulet, he makes extremely spontaneous decisions that end with terrible results, making problems for many different characters in the

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