Examples Of Hitler In 1984 By George Orwell

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Hitler’s Oceania After reading the first few pages of George Orwell’s 1984, it is easy to see the parallels of Hitler’s Germany littered throughout the story. Having been born in 1903, Orwell experienced both World Wars first hand, and he had strong feelings about what he experienced and where he thought the world was going moving forward. With writing being one of his many talents, he used it as a platform to mass produce a warning for the world. He used literary devices such as satire to project his feelings in an exaggerated, but easy to perceive way. Describing the ways Big Brother used fear to rule over Oceania, using tactics nearly identical to that of Adolf Hitler. He made characters with sadistic inklings, but relatable enough to show …show more content…

There are many aspects within the novel that parallel Hitler's Germany. But 1984 always seems to go a step further and gives us a taste of what would have happened if the Nazi Party were successful in their endeavors. First, and by far the most obvious, are the clear similarities between the figure of Big Brother and the Nazi ring leader, Adolf Hitler. They are both looming figures who exercise their tyrannical reign over their respective “kingdoms”. In March of 1933, only a few years before the publication of the novel, Hitler banned all political parties aside from the Nazi Party in Germany. This similarity makes its way into the novel in the form of “The Party”, the only political party in Oceania. It is clearly stated throughout the book that there was no rebellion that could overthrow the Party, any attempt was immediately extinguished and the perpetrators “vaporized”- never to be seen or heard from again. However, the people of Oceania never seemed to bat an eye at their “comrades” executions, continuing on with their lives as if unfazed by the sudden disappearance of individuals that they once knew. Although it is obvious that there was in fact a termination of the Nazi Party, Orwell used 1984 as a way to warn readers of what could happen if another totalitarian regime were to take …show more content…

In this analogy, Hitler's enemies are Jews, homosexuals, and sympathizers that he brutally murdered in concentration camps. Truckloads of these minorities were transported to concentration camps, where the “fortunate” ones would be forced into slave labor. Eventually, as they grew weak from the little nutrients they received, they were sorted out and sent to the gas chambers. Nearly 6 million Jews were incarcerated and made to live in these horrid conditions (“Documenting Numbers of Victims of the Holocaust and Nai Persecution”). There may not seem like much of a connection here, but Big Brother had a similar way to persecuting those who hurt the Party’s cause. The act of conspiring against the Party was known as thoughtcrime. If someone committed the act of thoughtcrime, they were guaranteed to die one way or another because of it. Once these “criminals” were finally captured, they were brought to 1984’s very own version of a concentration camp- The Ministry of Love. The Ministry of Love is defined as a place that “maintained law and order” (Orwell, 4), and that it did. People who were brought here were tortured day in and day out with no inclination of when they would be let go. Here is where the two murder tactics intertwine- they make their victims wait to die. Soon enough, those who were hauled away to concentration camps knew that that was where they would eventually

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