Examples Of Greed Quotes In The Great Gatsby

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The Villain of Great Gatsby “Greed is so destructive. It destroys everything” Eartha Kitt (BrainyQuote). F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1925 novel The Great Gatsby is about a man named Gatsby, who is trying to regain the love of a girl who he used to date to get back together with him. Gatsby’s only problem is that Daisy, the girl he is in love with is married to Tom. The story is told through the eyes of Nick Carraway, Daisy’s second cousin, once removed, and Gatsby’s friend. This allows the reader to know about Tom’s secret relationship with Myrtle Wilson and also allows the readers insight into Gatsby. According to Dictionary.com greed is “excessive or rapacious desire, especially for wealth or possessions”(Dictionary.com). Gatsby tries to get Daisy to fall in love with him, even though she is married to Tom. Gatsby throws elaborate parties that last all weekend in the hopes that Daisy will attend one. Greed is a major villain in The Great Gatsby through Gatsby’s chasing of Daisy, Myrtle’s cheating, and people using Gatsby simply for his wealth. …show more content…

“‘He wants to know,’ continued Jordan, ‘if you’ll invite Daisy to your house some afternoon and then let him come over.’” (Fitzgerald 78). This quote demonstrates that Gatsby is trying to see Daisy without Tom so that he can talk to her and get her to be with him instead of Tom. This is Greedy because Gatsby doesn’t care that Tom might love Daisy or that Daisy might love Tom, he just wants Daisy to fall in love with him again. This causes the ruin of Gatsby because Tom tells George that Gatsby is the person that ran over Myrtle. Once George knew who ran over Myrtle, he then went to Gatsby’s house and shot Gatsby before killing himself. Due to Gatsby’s greed, he caused his own death. Greed is a villain because it causes Gatsby to almost ruin Daisy’s marriage and also causes Gatsby’s

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