Examples Of Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill a Mockingbird
Courage is the ability to do something that frightens someone, or the strength to face the pain and grief. Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” was arranged during the Great Depression, in Maycomb County, Alabama. One of the prevailing themes was courage in the face of adversity. Three main characters, Atticus Finch, Jem Finch, and Tom Robinson, symbolize the struggle between sitting on the sidelines of injustice and working within the system to make a transformation. In Maycomb County, many people become courageous, Atticus Finch is no exception. Atticus was courageous by taking a black man’s case, Tom Robinson’s. In Maycomb, black people were treated below the white folks . Atticus stands up to Mr. Ewell after the trial of Tom Robinson, when Atticus finds out Tom is deceased, when Mr. Ewell spits in his face and Atticus just wiped the spit away, walked to his car, got in and drove off. When someone is taunting you, it is hard to walk away, but Atticus did. Atticus Finch is a courageous man, who has the expertise and is a kind man. …show more content…

When Atticus is at the jail guarding Tom, a mob showed up and was threatened Atticus to get to Tom, Jem shows up and helps ward off the mob and makes sure nobody is going to get hurt. The mob and Atticus were trying to make Jem and the others leave, but Jem defied his father and stayed to make sure nobody got hurt. When Jem and Scout were walking home from the pageant, they heard something the next thing Jem knew he was fighting off an attack by Mr. Ewell to save his sister. Jem gets knocked out and breaks his arm but still assisted his sister by telling her to run before he got knocked out. Jem is just a teenager who had courage to save not only himself but others as

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