Examples Of Ambition In Macbeth

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Everyone has ambitions. Some people's ambitions are far crazier and harder to accomplish than others, but everyone shares the commonality of having ambitions. Everyone, also, is a little bit greedy. Some people are more greedy than others, but everyone is a little greedy too. So where is the difference maker between greed and ambitions? While ambitions are just the goal and desire to accomplish something, greed is the selfish desire to accomplish something. Either way both greed and ambitions end up leading to success. In the Greed and ambitions lead to power. In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare the theme, ambition and greed lead to power, is present. Shakespeare shows this by using conflicts between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, where Macbeth …show more content…

Lady Macbeth becomes convinced that he should commit regicide in order to become King. While talking to Macbeth she exclaims, “O, never Shall sun that morrow see!” (1.6.71-2). In this quote she is referring to Duncan and how he will not see the light of day again because he will be dead. This is very greedy because the witches told Macbeth that he will become king, but did not say when or how. Instead of living his life normally, Macbeth expedited his fate and ended up becoming King out of greed. Later on while talking to Macbeth, Lady Macbeth also says, “Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom” (1.6.82). She is the one who is pushing Macbeth to commit regicide. She is very greedy and can’t wait any longer to kill the King so Macbeth can become king. Macbeth becomes so greedy for power that he ends up trying to kill everyone that could take is place or challenge him. He hires murderers to kill Banquo. When they come back to tell him that Banquo is dead the murderer says, “My lord, his throat is cut. That I did for him” (3.4.18). Macbeth becomes so enraged with power that he wants no one else to have any. He becomes a Tyrant and keeps killing to gain more power. His power was not earned, but given to him by his …show more content…

Students all over the world take rigorous classes and end up cramming their brain with information so they can continue their education at an amazing university. The saying “knowledge is power” is very relevant here. Students go to good colleges to get a degree in hopes of having a good job in the future. Hard work and ambition now will get them power later in life. In the article A Students Ambition the author is a college student who states, “We as college students need ambition, because without the desire to succeed, there is absolutely no way we can.” later in the article, she also states, “There are some, who have that desire to live a better life then what they were raised around. Whatever may be the driving factor behind a students ambition, all the roads lead to one end, and that is success” (Blocker). She is saying that ambition is necessary for college students to graduate and become successful in their lives. If these people work hard enough they will have a better life then they had before

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