Examination, Diagnosis, Prognosis, And Intervention

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2- The five client/patient management elements are: Examination, Evaluation, Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Intervention. Examination, evaluation and reaching to the diagnosis and prognosis are all important elements that guide the physical therapist to determine the most proper intervention.
• Examination has three main components: the process of collecting such important data as the medical history, reviewing the data, and selecting the tests and measures. Furthermore, it is a comprehensive screening process that guides the physical therapist to either handle the patient’s case or refer him/her to other disciplines. Example: the physical therapist took the patient’s full medical history and did the needed physical examinations for the post operated shoulder as: the pain intensity, the range of motion, strength test, and the functional level of the patient.
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Example: after applying the physical examination, the therapist got the findings that guided him to decide to apply the guideline of the rotator cuff rehabilitation Wilk and Andrews rotator cuff guideline. He was planning to treat the patient to improve the patient range of motion, decrease the pain, and enhance the functional level of the patient according to the findings. In addition, he referred the patient to the physician when found no improvement.
• Diagnosis it is the process where the therapist can organize the defined clusters, categories, or the syndromes from the examination and evaluation that help in determining the prognosis and the most appropriate intervention strategies. Example: from the examination and evaluation, the therapist reached to the final diagnosis which showed that the pain and the declined level of activity were originated from the rotator cuff repair operation. However, at the end it was due to the lung

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