Evolution Of Basketball Uniforms

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You’re in the locker room getting ready to hit the hardwood and you’re all slipping into them. The clan that you’re repping is on the front and your very own number is on the back. By uniting group of people to go to war together, they create a family that isn’t blood-related. Basketball uniforms have changed greatly over the years in response to trends and issues related to them. But where did they come from and how did they get to the point that they’re at today?

Modern basketball uniforms have a comfortable and convenient composition. However, things weren’t always this way. The uniforms have changed significantly over the years. According to basketball.epicsports.com., people would just play in their normal attire when the game first …show more content…

Things that are part of the sport change over time to become better. The uniform is one of these things. Rogers says, uniforms were made to play basketball in the early 1900s, because the designers didn’t want the players to wear long pants anymore. The new uniforms included wool t-shirts and long shorts. (“History of Basketball Jerseys”)

Time went by and the wool used in making the uniforms became problematic. The wool led to overheating of the players wearing it. Casadevall says, the wool was discarded about 50 years after its introduction and a polyester-nylon combination material took its place. Around this time, uniforms started to become more compact and compressed as well. (The Evolution of Basketball Uniforms Through the Ages”)

Next came an event that would change the culture of the entire basketball community. As stated by basketball.epicsports.com., “In 1984 the legendary Michael Jordan revolutionized the game and the look. Before we knew it, our shorts were baggier and our shirts were getting roomier and longer. One day, the star player got tired of tugging on his conventionally fitting basketball shorts, and he requested that his team's shorts be made longer. It wasn't long before players all across the country were copying him.” (“Basketball Uniform History) Trends can have huge impacts on a large group of people. And when a man as marketable as Michael Jordan starts a trend, it has the potential to change things on a very large scale. Because of this, basketball uniforms in many places changed around this

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