Evolution: It Should Be Taught In Schools

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In the uncertainty that the modern world is, there is one law that stays petrified in stone no matter what happens: “Things change with age.” No matter if it is in history, science, or even Pokémon, things change as time passes by and this process is called evolution. The theory formulated by Charles Darwin is the belief that all organisms have come from earliest creatures because of external factors (“NSTA…”). School boards everywhere have accepted the theory of Evolution as fact making it essential to be in the curriculums of science classrooms. However, over the years, controversy has arisen as the fact that is evolution is still only a theory with flaws and setbacks, efficiently making other theories (i.e. intelligent design) a viable alternate in the classroom. The law, on the other hand, had a different idea about these other theories with numerous bans them from schools, claiming them to be against the second amendment. Despite the bitter debate of rather or not it is valid and right for teaching (primarily alone) the theory of evolution lies as being the most reliable and accurate way to teach how the modern world came to be.
Science is purely a study of what can be seen and tested in the world. That concept is shown in the following quote: “Science is the method of testing natural explanations for natural explanations for natural objects and events. Phenomenon that can be observed are amiable to scientific investigation” (“NSTA…”). The understanding of what is science is crucial because Evolution is based on changes that people can see in organism. With it being science (as it can be seen/tested), evolution is something that should be taught in schools. The evidence for it being able to be seen and tested is a...

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