Understanding PTSD: Diverse Perspectives and Experiences

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Giving that I was writing about a mental illness that many people assume they understand and find its definition obvious, I decided to give my readers diverse definitions of PTSD: the governments definition, my definition, and the author of The Evil Hours, David J. Morris, definition of PTSD. I chose this topic because as a person who was recently diagnosed with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (also known as C-PTSD), I’ve begun to look at it as more like a state of mind that I’ve been trying to not just change, but also find a way to live with. And because I am still in the process of doing so, I was able pour my heart and thoughts into the words of my memoir — Proving that PTSD is the perfect topic for me to discuss. These emotions …show more content…

It seemed that sharing it out load to my peer review group reiterated my belief that this topic was something that was so fresh in my mind that I was able to successfully convey my deep feeling towards the topic. And my group was able to point that the strongest aspects of my essay: They seemed to like my use of parallel structure in my first paragraph, they also found that I had a numerous amount of elegiac lines that had a huge impact on the reader. Not only did they applaud my work, but they had productive critiques to add on. For example, they felt that I could work on my inflection because of the fact that this was such a fragile topic. But they didn’t seem to be confused. I was thankful for their for feedback because I was able to improve my writing. For instance, I had to re-word multiple things, like the word “understand” to “fathom.” I was able to take in all their feedback with a grain of salt, while doing my best to appreciate the fact that the feedback was from the point of view of someone who wasn’t experiencing the topic first-hand. Overall, my ability to spill my throng of ideas and emotions regarding the topic into my free-writes helped assure me that this topic was the most fitting for me to write about. While I was very

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