Event Horizon Thesis

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With the upcoming brand-new installment in the legendary and beloved Star Wars saga, I decided to give props to some of the greatest sci-fi movies to ever grace the silver screen. All of the movies on this list either influenced or were influenced by the Star Wars franchise in both large and small ways. Of course, this list is my own opinion; feel free to share your ideas in the comments or yell at me on twitter.Event Horizon is a 90's horror film set in deep-space that includes fantastic performances from stars like Sam Neill and Laurence Fishburne. A salvaging crew is commissioned to find a lost craft called the Event Horizon designed by an eccentric Doctor played by Neill. The craft disappeared into a wormhole and when the salvage crew goes …show more content…

A race of ancient beings hold the only weapon capable of destroying an interstellar force of pure evil that emerges every 5000 years. This weapon happens to be a young woman named LeeLoo, the career launching point for indie actress Mila Jovovich, who was recently genetically re-built with a 3D printer (how eerily relevant) and proceeds to crash into the hover-taxi of special forces veteran Korben Dallas played by exploding movie star Bruce Willis. With the comedy relief of Chris Tucker playing out-of-control radio DJ Ruby Rohd and a mish-mash of influences from 1970's and '80's graphic magazine Heavy Metal, the cult hit Blade Runner, and of course Star Wars is laden throughout The Fifth Element but the story itself is holy original and a wonderful experience.The Matrix changed cinema forever and it's influence can be seen in almost any action movie made today. A Star Wars for the digital age, The Matrix launched Keanu Reeves to super-stardom for his portrayal of Neo, an ordinary computer hacker who learns that he may be the savior of mankind. With the old wizard mentor Morpheus played by Laurence Fishborne guiding Neo through "The desert of the Real" this movie truly captures the imagination during the beginning of the Digital Age, introduces many interesting philosophical questions, and remains a cinematic classic to this

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