Eulogy For Son

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Once upon a time, a 18 year old named Juan was going to work in his father’s vegetable market. Juan always goes to help out his father no matter what. Him and his dad moved to Jerusalem from a village in Jordan. His mother had passed away from a wound infection. His father didn’t have enough money for medicine, so that’s why she died. They moved so they wouldn’t struggle anymore, and so they can live a different life. Juan is a very helpful, nice, intelligent, and had a very prodigious heart . Everyone in Juan’s village liked him, but his bullies, John and Josh, just hated him. They always bullied Juan on a daily basis just because they were jealous of how Juan was loved by everyone. While Juan was helping out his dad, Juan and Josh went to his dad’s store and Josh started to say that he and Juan’s girlfriend Emily were in love and that Emily didn’t love Juan anymore. He was just ignoring them because he knew that it wasn’t true, so he continued on working. …show more content…

One day John came up to Juan and told him ,“ Juan, I am not going to bully you anymore, I want to tell you something.” Juan then said ,“Go ahead tell me.” Then John said ,“ Josh has either ran away or hid with a girl. His cousins are saying that he ran away with Emily” Juan then said, “ No, I don’t believe you.” John then said, “ Juan please believe me, Josh’s cousins said that he is leaving with a girl and they most of the time never lie. John adjured Juan to help him find out the truth, “I want to help you find out the truth.” John says,” I don’t believe you, but I’ll go with you. We will go find out the truth”. Josh said, “ Ok let’s go. Josh said that he is going to the village nearby our village so we will go

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