Ethos Pathos Logos In Declaration Of Independence

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One of the greatest conflicts in the history of the United State of America, the Revolutionary War, was started when the colonies of North America declared themselves independent from British rule. A group of men known as the Founding Fathers, which included George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John and Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and others, formed the Continental Congress to rule their new nation. They chose Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence, which they would send to King George III to make their independence official. Jefferson knew that he needed to use strong language to make a solid agrument against British rule in the colonies and to convince the colonists that independence was the only choice to maintain their freedom as human beings. The powerful use of parallelism, ethos, pathos, and logos helpd Thomas Jefferson to convey his idea that all men are created equal with unalienable rights and that it is the duty of the government to protect those rights. …show more content…

This quote also appeals to ethos and pathos. By mentioning God, he is able to convince the reader that his cause is just and he is not acting in his own interests, and by using emotionally charged words and phases, such as “created equal”, “endowed by their Creator”, “certain unalienable rights”, and “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”, he makes the reader feel as though they are important, and not just another British subject with no

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