Essay Who Is Responsible For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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In the play, Romeo and Juliet, there are several significant details that help the reader determine who really is responsible for their death. First, the character Friar Laurence failed to deliver the letter that explained that juliet wasn’t dead. Anoher important detail is that he agreed to marry them because he believed it would end their families feud. The third detail important to the play is that Friar Laurence suggested that juliet fake her own death. Another. These details are significant because they play a contributing role in why both Romeo and Juliet died.
To begin with, Friar Laurence suggested to Juliet that she could fake her own death to keep from marrying Paris. Friar Laurence had sent out a letter to Romeo to explain that Juliet was not actually dead but it he failed to deliver the message to him. In Act 5, Scene 2 it states “Unhappy fortune! By my brotherhood, the letter was not nice, but full of charge, of dear import, and neglecting it may do much danger.” This means that Friar Laurence failed to deliver the letter and that it would lead to many problems if he failed to deliver. In turn, Romeo was unaware that juliet was still alive therefore Romeo killed himself because Friar failed to deliver the letter. …show more content…

If Friar Laurence never had them marry none of the problems that rose from their marriage would never have happened. For example, the death of Tybalt could have been avoided. Also, Friar belived that the marriage would finally end the fued between the 2 families, however, it only increased the hatred of the families. In Act 2, Scene 3 it states, “But come, young waverer, come go with me. In one respect I’ll thy assistant be; For this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households’ rancor to pure love.” This means that Friar truly believed that the marriage would end the families

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