Essay On Why Walmart Is Bad

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Is Walmart Good or Bad for the United States’ Economy? The first Walmart was opened in Rogers, Arkansas in the year 1962 by a 44-year-old man by the name of Sam Walton. When he first envisioned Walmart, Walton believed that a successful business could be built around offering lower prices and great service. Despite his retail rivals laughing at his supposedly unsustainable business model, the company became hugely successful, and its success exceeded even Walton's expectations. The company went public in 1970, and the proceeds financed a steady expansion of the business. Today, Walmart is the largest retailer in the world, as it has 8,500 stores spread across 15 countries and annual revenues of $400 billion dollars. Moreover, Walmart is the …show more content…

The fact is that Walmart pays its employees a minimum of nine dollars per hour, which is more than the federal minimum wage at seven dollars at seven dollars and twenty-five cents per hour. Additionally, Walmart does provide their employees with basic health benefits. Still, critics demand that Walmart pay their employees more and provide more health benefits, but rising costs would result in higher prices which would result in less purchasing power. That is not good for the economy. What critics fail to comprehend is that a job at Walmart earning minimum wage is not a full-time job but a part-time job, as employees should be going to college or looking for other higher paying jobs. Overall, it’s the same exact situation as the “Mom and Pop” farce and every other complaint, like price discrimination and predatory pricing; Walmart is following a business model that gives consumers the goods and services they crave at affordable prices and a low cost for Walmart. Walmart’s practices are ethical, legal, profitable, and exemplify the principal of the free market system, so any American that claims that Walmart should be targeted for its practices are virtually asking the government to target the foundation of the American economic system. In addition, those same people are asking for

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