Essay On Why I Want To Vote

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Youth Voting: Will I Vote? As of the ratification of the 26th amendment in 1971, the voting age in the US is 18. As I turn 18 this coming summer I now have the chance to participate in elections local, state, and national wide. The history of youth voting has changed over time with that more 18-24 year olds are voting as time goes on. The question comes to mind about voting in that why would someone want to vote and if it’s just a waste of time. I believe that if people have the chance to vote, then they should which is why I am going to vote in elections to come in the future. Over time, the youth vote has changed by the amount of youth voting, who they vote for, and the racial differences among the voters. Youth voting is still the lowest …show more content…

Someone may not want to vote because they might not know was going on in government and do not want to take part in something they are not familiar with. Another reason why a youth voter would not want to vote is that they do not care enough about voting to vote. I will vote in elections to come because I personally want to have a voice in government and that it’s a constitutional right to vote. As I get older, the government plays a bigger role in my life and with that I would like to have a say in how my life goes. I know that I can’t change some things, but I would like to at least try and have a chance to have my way go in government which is why I’ll vote. I also believe that since the government protects you in many ways, then you should use the right they give you to vote and do it. As becoming the age of 18, people has the chance to start voting. People 18-24 have a lower percentage of voting than other ages. This is because the youth vote has changed over time and the reasons why the youth vote doesn’t want to vote. I will vote in the upcoming elections when I turn of

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