Essay On Vegetable Garden

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Would you enjoy having fresh, delicious, luscious vegetables to eat all summer long that cost you almost nothing? I know I would. Well, now you can have your veggies and eat them too. Try building your own vegetable garden. It can fit all sizes of yards and decks. You just need to pick the location and type of garden. Next, you will prepare the garden site and work the soil. Finally, you will plan the specifics and plant your garden. With some care and patience, you will be enjoying the fruits of your labor in no time. What type of garden is the best fit for you? Do you have room in a large backyard, limited space, or no yard at all? A thriving garden is possible in any one of these scenarios. If you have very limited space, you will want to …show more content…

Evaluate your location. There are a few important things to consider in your location choice. Your garden needs sunlight to survive and thrive. Just like your cell phone needs to recharge on electricity to operate, your garden needs sunlight to grow. Pick a location that gets the most sunlight. The antithesis of sun is none other than rain; however, rain is essential too. Observe how the yard drains water. You want to chose a location that will get rain but will also drain well. Ponds of water in your garden will drown your plants. There’s no life preserver to toss them, so plan ahead to avoid this catastrophe. Now that you’ve chosen a location that has a lot of sun, is exposed to rain, and drains well, it is time to gather your …show more content…

Really, I mean it. Here’s the point where you get to have fun and see some results. Mark the boundaries of your garden. You can use stakes, rope, spray paint, or just about anything to mark your boundaries. Next, remove any grass, weeds, or other vegetation in your garden area. Get down to the bare, naked soil. Believe it or not, the soil needs air. After a light rain, dig and turn over the top layer of soil with your shovel. If you don’t want to wait for rain, you can cheat and mist the soil with a hose. Then use the rake to break up any clumps. Remove any rocks you find. These steps will help aerate the soil and make it easier for your plants’ roots to grow once planted. They also makes the next step easier. Take a moment. Let a handful of that soft, brown, dark “gold” sift through your fingertips. The soil is where the action

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