Essay On The Renaissance

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Rye Neck High School

Research Paper on the Political Structure of the Renaissance

Henri Wang
English Honors and Global History Honors
Mrs. Lanza and Mrs. Comerford
May 16, 2014

The Renaissance was a cultural movement and turning point in European history, originating in Italy and lasting from the 14th to the 17th century. Following the Middle Ages, the Renaissance gave rise to humanism, inducing human achievement rather than religion, breaking away from previous medieval scholasticism and reviving the once lost Greek and Roman interests. During the three centuries, the political structure of Europe took several different forms through its numerous political leaders. This organization of politics reflected the ideals and values of the time, as it broke away from the thought process of the past, such as the heavy influence of religion, and accepted newer ideas such as individualism, humanism, and secularism. Through the political leaders, important developments and advancements have been made not only in politics, but in other fields as well, as throughout the modern world. Due to the political structure, under the rule of certain leaders, Europe experienced a political evolution. This gave birth to the foundations of modern politics through the transition from the Middle Ages, composition of significant political literary works, and the development of diplomacy.
With the reign of Charles VII of France from 1422 to 1461, Europe transitioned from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Within his time of reign, the year 1429 was especially notable, as drastic changes came upon French politics. On February the 12th, French forces were defeated by the English at the Battle of Herrings in a failed attempt to retrieve Or...

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.... Henry also successfully encouraged and executed the trade of alum, a chemical compound used in wool and clothes for dyes; due to its scarcity, it was valuable (Henry VI). As a result, Henry VII achieved numerous advances in the diplomacy through his accomplishments in the economy, foreign policies, and trade agreements.
Through the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, as well as political literature and diplomatic advancements, the Renaissance significantly influenced modern politics. This has been proven through the conversion evidences of Charles VII and Louis XI, The Prince and Discourses on Livy by Machiavelli, and the diplomatic developments made by Machivelli and Henry VII. In the end, despite the era being only three hundred years and happening several centuries ago, the Renaissance was a key point in the modern world’s political history.

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