Essay On The Polis

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A polis is “A city-state, as the central institution in Greek life and the Greeks’ colonization of the Mediterranean and Black seas (Spielvogel 60). Before the emergence of the poleis, there was a dark age in Greece. A time where “Greece entered a difficult period in which population declined and food production dropped” (Spielvogel 60). Trade was not a frequent sight, and farming became a main source of economy. An organized type of government was not present during the dark age. Due to a lack of government, I believe that is why the polis became very successful throughout Greece. The emergence of the polis gave Greece a sense of unity. An organized form of government led to a greater military. Men in the military were simply cavalry units – men on horseback. After the end of the 8th century, the poleis improved their militaries, and turned cavalry units into hoplites. Hoplites are “heavily armed infantry men who wore bronze or leather helmets, breastplates, and greaves” (Spielvogel 60). The Greeks began to expand overseas and create civilization in many areas. Expansion reduced the “Poverty and land hunger created by the growing gulf between rich and poor, overpopulation, and the development of trade were all factors that led to the establishment of colonies” (Spielvogel 60). Success …show more content…

“The Greeks of Sparta and Athens spoke different dialects and developed different political systems. The Spartans sought stability and conformity and emphasized order. The Athenians allowed for individual differences and stressed freedom (Spielvogel 63). I personally believe that the Spartan polis was more successful than the Athenian polis. If Solon was able to maintain power in Athens, I would argue that they were more successful than the Spartans. However, Solon was taken over by Pisistratus, “an aristocrat and a distant relative of Solon (Spielvogel

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