Essay On The Columbine Massacre

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The columbine massacre the day where no one is safe in school or out of school. The columbine massacre is about two students named Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris both seniors 17 years old both two weeks before graduating they killed 12 students, one teacher, and 21 injured to their shooting on April 20, 1999. Both Dylan and Eric were some believe they were bullied by the sport teams in their school so they planned to kill the people who bullied them and other mostly anyone who gets in their way but that wasn’t really why the FBI he said that there target was everyone no one in pacify we will not get in to more details now. Dylan and Eric were both intelligent boys with solid parents and a good home and both had brothers younger than them. They played soccer, baseball, and both enjoyed to work on computers. Both boys were thinking on commit suicide on 1997 but instead started to plan a massacre in 1998 a year before it happened. Then the two boys had got into some trouble for breaking into a van on January 30, 1998 trying to steal some fuses and wires for bombs for them to make, but they got caught in trouble. So the court put them in a program called the juvenile diversion program, but even if they were there they were still planning the massacre and the court also put Eric in some angry management classes and people believe it worked but it didn’t he just did it to look like it work and both boys made it look like they were really sorry but they weren’t. Dylan and Eric both really hated everyone in their school and the court as well after they got caught breaking in to that van that’s when they really started to plan the massacre more and that’s when Harris started he’s journals no one really knows way but they didn’t hate a hand...

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...s just to get help students and teachers and once the police tried to go help Sanders he died by he’s wounds. So every since the massacre the government gave 3 billion dollars to schools for a zero talruos for the schools to check on students for any guns or weapons that can hurt students and with that after the columbine massacre the death rate of students went down from 1999 to 2006 only 10 kids had died because of other students so that because of the massacre the schools and government started to check on more students for any problem they have or any thoughts of killing or committing suicide. So that the columbine massacre won’t happen again anywhere in American. The massacre was one of the most kills of students and injuries done by a student in a school in American. So want to avoid any more problems to have parents of kids suffer that kind of pain any more.

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