Essay On Sugar Cane

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Since the discovery of the sugar cane thousands of years ago, the human race was sure to be doomed. First discovered and grown in Polynesian islands and India, sugar cane was picked and the stem was chewed to release the sugar. When people in India learned how to process and refine the sugar cane into a powder, it was used medically to treat things such as headaches and stomachache. It wasn’t until the Persian Emperor entered India and discovered this sweet substance that the tables turned. India had gotten the refining down to a process that remained secret for many years. One the Persians got a taste of the sweet substance, sugar made its way around Asia and Europe. Explorers even brought the sugar cane across the seas during the age of exploration where it was grown on plantations and …show more content…

There must be a desire to completely change lifestyles. Without desire and motivation, it is easy to give into the cravings and giving up, but with sincere desire to change it can be done and the results are amazing. Even minor changes to a lifestyle can make a huge difference. Starting with small changes, like having dessert only three a week instead of seven and slowly taking more and more things out, like removing dessert out completely, the body will begin to change. This sugar epidemic desperately needs to be stopped before it gets too out of hand. Soon enough, people are going to be living shorter life spans because their health is too poor. Becoming aware of what is in the food being put into people’s bodies is the first step. Then acting upon this knowledge is what brings about change. It is important that people realize the enormous affects that food has on the body and its functions. One of my favorite quotes is “take care of your body; it’s the only place you have to live” (Robin Rohn). Feeding the body and soul real, whole, and unprocessed foods is the only way for the body to work at its fullest

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